‘Broadstreaming, not Mainstreaming’ – An Approach towards Solutions for Inclusive Development was delivered at XLRI, Jamshedpur as inaugural address in the conference on ‘Solutions to Inclusive Development’ on January 29, 2010.
Download the presentation.
Broadstreaming, Not Mainstreaming
My heartiest wishes for all the good work that you have been carrying on.
As someone who belongs to Bihar and wanted to feel proud of future and present of the state and not just gloat about the past legacies, I must admit that I felt a sense of helplessness. For all my living life I have heard stories of political apathy, criminalization, curruption, poverty etc. My heart wanted to see a day when Bihar gets talked about in the same breath as one would talk of Bangalore, Gurgaon or for that matter Punjab or Anand. The last heartening news I remember was that of innovative Charwaha Vidyalaya which have sadly withered away too.
The last six months however, have been particularly refreshing. Suddenly Good Governance, Inclusive Development have become the buzz word being attached with Bihar. There is definitely a sense of change, a change for good that one can feel for the state.
It is people like you (Pratyay Amrit also comes to mind)who will ensure that what has begun continues for decades to come to really make tangible difference.
At the same time, I would also like to offer my support, in whatever ways possible, to help you in your efforts. There are lots of Biharis who would be willing to contribute substantively to the development of the state, and we can get them together.
All the best again!
I am very happy that you are going ahead with these pro grammes in spite of not so conducive environment either in bureaucracy or political leadership. even civil society needs to be more active.