Nutritional Value of Rat Meat
The current knowledge of the yield and nutritional (proximate and fatty acid) composition of meat derived from African ungulates, camelidae, rodents, ratites and reptiles is reviewed. Although most of the species discussed give low cholesterol levels consistent with their low meat lipid contents, the tegu lizard gives a very low level (18.2 mg/100 g tissue). The fatty acid profiles of the various species all have low saturated fatty acids and high polyunsaturated fatty acids resulting in favourable saturated to polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios. Although the springbok, camel, ostrich and crocodile are marketed and exported to sophisticated markets, the rodents are the species that show most promise in becoming large commercial commodities. Not only is their meat desirable and nutritional, but they are also highly adaptable to extensive and intensive production systems.
The yield and nutritional value of meat from African ungulates, camelidae, rodents, ratites and reptiles
L.C. Hoffman, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag XI, Matieland 7602, South Africa
This website has a comparision of nutrient composition of different animals.
Nutrient Composition of Whole Vertebrate Prey (Excluding fish)
Prepared By: Ellen S. Dierenfeld, PhD, Heather L. Alcorn, BS, and Krista L. Jacobsen, MS – 2002.
Interesting Read
Rodent Ranching
In January 2008, the rocketing price of more conventional meats due to bird flu quarantines and world oil prices doubled the market price of rat meat in Cambodia. Rats are just another source of white meat protein.
Cambodians in certain provinces have long caught rats as a protein source when rodent numbers reach a peak during the rice harvest and enjoy the meat roasted or dried as a snack while drinking.